계룡산 갑사

Gyeryongsan Gapsa Temple

철당간지주 (통일신라) 보물 제256호(위)와 갑사부도(고려시대) 보물 제257호(하)

Basic information
Name 계룡산갑사  鶏龍山甲寺
Address 충청남도 공주시 계룡면 중장리 52
忠清南道 公州市 鷄龍面 Middle壮里 52
Telephone 041-857-8981
business hours 08:00~18:00
Closed day Open year round
Admission Fees 어른 2,000Won
창건 백제시대 420년
Site http://www.gapsa.org/

※The above article is written based on the information at the time of coverage. Please note that the content may differ from the current one depending on local circumstances.

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