
Tag - Japanese Fortress

Masan Japanese Fortress

慶尚南道 昌原市 馬山湾が臨む海抜85メートルの龍馬山の頂上部から馬山図書館の下段部まで続く周り500メートルほどの馬山倭城は、1592年4月、釜山に上陸して金海城を陥落した後、昌原を経て馬山に入った伊達政宗(だて まさむね)が龍馬山を軍事基地として使うために築城工事を開始しました。その後、1597年10月の慶長の役、鍋島直茂(なべしま なおしげ)とその息子が本格的な築城工事に着手し、12月に完工されたお城です。More

Namhae Seonso Japanese Fortress

Namhae Seonso Waeseong Fortress was built in November 1597 by Yasuharu Wakiita on a small hill called Yunsan Cheonnamdae overlooking Namhae-eup, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do. It is believed that the low hills were builtMore

Jangmunpo Japanese Fortress

Hello, Geoje Island, located about an hour’s drive from Busan, is a rich island surrounded by the sea and is a tourist attraction connected to Busan City through the undersea tunnel, but there are still someMore

Gadeok Japanese Fortress (Yulcha Japanese Fortress)


Seosaengpo Japanese Fortress

Located on the border between Busan and Ulsan, it is the largest and most well-preserved Japanese castle among the remaining Japanese castles in Korea. Seosaengpo Japanese Fortress, located on the border between BusanMore

Suncheon Japanese Fortress

1598년(선조 31년) 순천왜성에 주둔한 고니시 유키나가의 일본군과 조선과 중국 명연합군의 치열한 공방전이 벌어졌던 성터! 전남 순천시 동남쪽에 위치한 순천왜성은 임진왜란(1597년) 때 우키타 히데이에와 토도 타카토라가 전라도를 공략하기 위한 마지막 전략기지로 3개월에 걸쳐 축성된 왜성입니다. 당시 고니시 유키나가가 이끄는 13000여 명의 일본군이 이곳에 주둔하면서 벌어진 조·명More

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