
Busan News

Major festivals in Busan will be held in earnest from April.

Major festivals in Busan, which were canceled or reduced due to COVID-19, will be held in earnest from this year.

Starting with the Busan Nakdonggang River Canola Flower Festival (April), which will be held in Daejeo Ecological Park in Gangseo-gu, Busan in April, a total of 50 festivals are scheduled in 16 districts and counties in Busan this year.

This year's festival will be held as face-to-face events, including the Gijang Anchovy Festival (April 28th to 30th), the Joseon News Agency Festival (May 5th to 7th), the Busan Port Festival (May 27th to 28th), and the Busan International Rock Festival in July.
BUSANNAVI BUSANNAVI · 2023-02-28 11:13 · Views 456 · Busan City
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